Friday, May 30, 2014

Road Trip FAQS

Q:  When will you be taking this trip?

A:  Well . . . we don't think it would be prudent to cite the specific dates here online.  If you know us, and want to know, email us.  We'd be glad to tell you.  Suffice it to say that we leave in less than a month, and we'll be gone for a bit more than a month.

Q:  Are you RV'ing it?

A:  No.  We think that we'll be more comfortable in a car.  In fact, we bought a new car, purchased more or less specifically for the trip.  It's a 2014 Subaru Forrester.

Q:  When you depart, will you double back to the Highway 50 'Start Line' in West Sacramento?

A:  No.  We've covered all of that segment dozens of times, and most of it thousands of times.  No need to see it again.

Q:  What are some of the highlights that you expect to see?

 A:  Quite a few.
  • At least four National Parks
  • Mt. Rushmore (A National Memorial, not a National Park)
  • The St. Louis Arch (One component of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial)
  • The Flight 93 National Memorial near Shanksville, PA
  • Three or four Major League Baseball games, each in a different city
  • Niagara Falls
  • Four of the five Great Lakes - we'll miss Lake Michigan
  • At least 18 states beyond California, and probably 1 or 2 more.
  • One Canadian province, i.e., Ontario
  • Family in Minnesota
  • Music Festival in Snowmass, CO
  • College friends in Estes Park, CO

Q:  What if we need to reach you?

A:  We will be in touch with our email accounts and our cell phones.