Monday, June 23, 2014

Kansas - Another State, Another Day

We have now entered our 4th state - a new one for David.  Lynne had been to Kansas City proper many years ago on business.  We are in Newton, KS tonight.

Kansas is much prettier than expected .....  lots of green, silos, ranch homes and fields.

One thing we did discover is that there is a spot in the state known as the windmill capital and we saw many.  We even saw an industrial site that housed the parts on the ground: the blades, the posts, etc. and they are very LARGE and LONG!

We did, of course, see lots of corn fields. They are early in their season as they were none too tall yet.

We have seen clouds in the distance that look like Kansas storms but fortunately we have not experienced them.  So far, we have had only a few rain drops here and there and a bit of lightning in the distance.

And best of all are the awesome rest stops.  They are super clean and very efficient!

Miles today = 312

Miles on US-50 today = 312.  We are 52% of the way to Ocean City, MD

TO = 1731.

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